From the Desk of Prophetess Equilla Miller - Hello beloved I wanted to share this recent prophetic word for the Body of Christ with you. Be blessed and encouraged by the Word of Lord. Please feel free to forward and share this post with your friends and family via your social media pages and have them sign up for my email list so they receive all future posts.
The Holy Spirit is the Pacesetter So Stay in Step with Him.
Released on Tuesday, March 24, 2020
This morning as I was in prayer the Spirit of the Lord began to talk to me about His pace, His timing. We are waiting. Many of us have things up before the Lord. Request up before the Lord. Prayer requests; things that we have been standing on and believing God to manifest. We have to begin to trust in His timing. As we walk with the Lord it’s His pace. The Holy Spirit is the pacesetter. Alright get that in your spirit. Some of you are getting anxious to see some things and to experience some things. You know that God has said that He is about to open doors for you and there are new assignments and new relationships and new alignments and I began to prophesy that and release that last week and so this is kind of a continuance to that word. Understand that it’s the timing of the Lord. Your part is to just stay ready -stay prepared. Keep staying in the word. Keep studying the word of God. Do what the Holy Spirit is telling you to do in your personal prayer time. You have to have your spiritual ears always in tune with Heaven. You always have to be receiving Rhema words from the Lord in your personal devotional time because He is going to be giving you some specifics on what He wants you to do in preparation for those open doors; for those new assignments that are coming up the road this year in 2020. So again what the Spirit of the Lord wants me to share with you is that It’s in His timing. Trust His timing. The race is not given always to the strong but you have to learn how to endure. The word of God says it’s through faith and patience that you will inherit the promises of God. So I’m just hearing God say that in this season where it feels like it has been a long wait; know that God has been developing endurance in you. It is not always a sprint sometimes it's more like a marathon. But He said you are gaining spiritual endurance. You are learning perseverance that He has been developing these things on the inside of you. So you have to be yoked with the Holy Spirit. You have to walk in step with Him. He is the one that will give you His marching orders. He is the one that knows when the door is going to open. So you’re at the gate preparing to go forward but He says be still until He opens the door. And when He opens the door He will tell you to run. Sometimes we have to walk and sometimes we have to run and the Spirit of the Lord right now is saying just walk with Him and He will tell you when it’s time to pick up the pace. When it’s time to run forward into what He has for you this year 2020. So it is coming , let this word encourage you to just stay in preparation. You are walking with the Lord. in step with the Lord, in cadence with the Lord. You don’t want to get ahead of God. You don’t want to run ahead of God. Remember He said He’s going before you. He’s preparing the way. You have to stay in step with the Lord. So I hope this word blesses you. I want you to just get into God’s presence today. The Holy Spirit is going to reveal even more specific things to those that will continue to seek His face. Understand that God is always speaking; we just have to have an ear to hear what the Spirit of God is saying so don’t think that you can't hear God because you hear God. You know His voice. So let this word encourage you. Let this word comfort you on today as you wait for the promises of God to manifest. Know people of God that God is faithful and what He spoke to you He will do in this year amen. God bless you.
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