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Get Ready to Run in the Strength of the Lord

Get Ready to Run in the Strength of the Lord!

Prophetic Release - May 27, 2020

This morning in my prayer time I heard the Spirit of the Lord saying, Get ready to run in the strength of the Lord my people for the gates and the doors are about to open. I am calling you to the START line. For have I not called you to run your race. You’ve been trained to run. You’ve been conditioned to run. You’ve been learning. You’ve been gaining endurance. You’ve been growing strong in my word. You’ve been growing strong in my grace and now I am releasing new assignments. I am now releasing new orders to my soldiers. I am raising my army. I am preparing to deploy and I am preparing to send and I am preparing to release you throughout the Nations! Now is a time to receive your assignments because soon you will be released to run. For there is a great work, yes the Great Commission that must be fulfilled. Hear what the My Spirit is saying this day to the Church. Go compel them, go preach, teach and prophesy. Go lay hands on the sick and watch them recover. Go demonstrate my power. Go demonstrate my Kingdom on the earth. You know what I have called you to do. Don’t fear. Do not be afraid for I will lead and I will guide you in the way that you should go. I am releasing my laborers into this great harvest field. You must see yourself as a harvester. There is a new anointing coming upon you now. There is a fresh outpouring coming upon my people at Pentecost. It’s the anointing, it’s the grace, the empowerment to be my witnesses and to go reap the harvest of souls for my Kingdom.

See Scriptures: I Corinthians 9:24, Hebrews 12:1, Mark 16:15-20, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-5

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