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Prophetic Release with Prophetess Equilla

From the Desk of Prophetess Equilla Miller - Hello beloved I wanted to share these prophetic words that came forth recently during my quiet times. These words will provide you insight into what many are experiencing in their personal lives in the Body of Christ. Be blessed and encouraged by the Word of Lord. Please feel free to forward and share this post with your friends and family via your social media pages and have them sign up for my email list so they receive all future posts

From the Hard Place to Days of Heaven on Earth - May 7, 2020:

Beloved you have been walking through the hard place and a hard season and I have been with you in the midst says the Lord. Now, know that better days are ahead. Good days, happy days, days filled with love, joy and laughter. For I am bringing you out of the old hard desolate place and I am taking you into your wealthy place. Rest assured as I was with you in this past season I will be with you in this next season. There is certainly a next season. A new season is on the horizon and approaching very quickly. New things. So many new things, new people, new places and new experiences are ahead of you. I kept you alive to see it. You’ve believed. You’ve trusted and you’ve stood for these promises so get ready to run into the new. New strength, new youth, new vision. Rejoice! It will be what you said. It will be to you as you have believed and spoken forth. Your words have created your future. Your words have set the tone to what will surely manifest and yes days of heaven will be experienced by you upon the earth says the Lord.

See: Psalm 66:12. Matthew 9:29, Job 22:28, Romans 4:17

Stay at Peace During the Pressures of Birthing Season - May 11, 2020:

Beloved you will not abort, miscarry or lose what you are carrying on the inside. For you are indeed pregnant with purpose, promise and destiny and it is indeed the time of birthing and delivery. The Holy Spirit will help you deliver. You shall bring this thing to full term. You are stronger than you have ever been before. You have endured, you have set your face as flint. You are full of strength and power! You are resilient. Don’t allow anything that’s going on around you to distract or upset you. Continue to focus on my promise. Continue to press into me says God. Continue to press into my word, into my presence in times of worship. You are not alone my child. You are not alone. I am with you in the midst. I am with you and I am for you and I will bring you out with the victory! Get ready to rejoice. The enemy stirs those around you up against you. Don’t be surprised or moved by this tactic. Remember you wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against a spiritual enemy. Bind the spirits that are manifesting and stay in peace, stay in rest. Stay calm. Stay ready and stay in position it’s birthing season.

See: Isaiah 26:3, James 1:2-8, Hebrews 4:1-3, Ephesians 6:12, Matthew 18:18

You Have Been Learning Perseverance and to Manifest the Fruit of the Spirit:

Beloved, you have been in a season where you are learning, seeing and experiencing that I the Lord will preserve and sustain and protect you in the midst of your enemies and haters. And yes, I will set a table before you in the presence of your enemies for they shall surely see what I will do in your life. They shall see what your faith produces in your life. You are learning not to allow other people who are used by the enemy to annoy and distract you when you maintain your peace, joy and strength. When you stay in control you keep your power. Don’t allow the enemy to press your buttons or pull your strings to be your puppet-master. My child continue to manifest self-control, temperance & patience. The joy of the Lord is your strength. I put you in this situation to show you that you do have the fruit of the spirit and you can use them. You can choose to manifest the fruit of the spirit at any given moment of time in any given situation. It’s your choice and decision to use the fruit just like you make a decision to pray in the Holy Ghost. You make a decision to manifest self-control. To manifest kindness. It’s all subject to your will. You are growing in the midst of these things. It’s been a hard time for you. It’s been difficult to endure, but it’s only going to benefit you in days ahead because there will always be time and opportunities for you to be upset, offended, and irritated but you can stay at peace. You can make a decision to just stay at peace. To just stay quiet and keep calm. To show self-control and temperance for you are surely exercising them now!

See Galatians 5:22-23, 2 Peter 1:5-7, Psalms 23

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