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Prophetess Equilla Miller has combined audio teachings from her live prophetic seminar trainings, with special video sessions, PowerPoints Syllabus, Assignments & Activations along with one on one mentoring calls to bring you an effective and engaging online program.
Welcome to E-Learning with Prophetess Equilla Miller. If you are called to the prophetic ministry and know that you need to get serious about developing in the area of your prophetic gift or call by receiving more teaching, training, and mentoring well this is the program for you!
Prophetess Equilla is an ordained seasoned prophet that has been teaching and training prophetic ministers for over 10 years.
Here's what you should know about this 10 Week Online Mentoring Program. This is a semi-self study program that will be facilitated by Prophetess Equilla Miller. The program is preset into
10 modules to be completed in consecutive order over a 10 week period around your personal schedule. Prophetess Equilla will be monitoring your completion of the units and answering any questions during your mentoring calls. Each module contains all the materials you need for the week; such as Syllabus, PowerPoints, a video (s), Mp3 audio teaching (s) and Lesson Study Sheets. All you need to do is access the materials and follow the instructions that are given within them Participants will also receive 5 -30 minute 1 on 1 mentoring sessions with Prophetess Equilla Miller via teleconference/ video calls.
Here are some of the things you will learn while completing the program modules:
Module 1 - The Holy Spirit & Hearing the Voice of God
Module 2 - The Holy Spirit and the Revelation Gifts
Module 3 - The Holy Spirit and the Utterance Gifts
Module 4 -The 5-Fold Ministry Gifts
Module 5 - Prophetic Prayer, Intercession and Decrees
Module 6 - Bible Prophets of the Old Testament
Module 7 - Bible Prophets of the New Testament
Module 8 - Prophetic Protocols and Pitfalls
Module 9 - Identifying and Dealing with False Prophets
Module 10- Prophetic Presbytery and Personal Prophecy
Instructions to be considered and accepted into the program:
1) Complete & Submit the Pre-Registration Questionnaire
2) Request your registration (payment link)
3) You will be contacted by email and notified of acceptance and sent the registration link once your pre-registration questionnaire has been reviewed.
4) If it seems the program is not a fit for your based upon your questionnaire you will be notified by email.
5) If accepted, complete the program in 3 months around your schedule.
Participants will receive an email with the link to the private program site once they have purchased their ticket through Eventbrite. NO REFUNDS
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