Psalm 7:17 (CEV)
17 I will praise you, Lord!
You always do right.
I will sing about you,
the Lord Most High.
God is a good God and He is worthy of your praise. If you are reading this post, you are alive with your faculties and that's a reason to praise God. In fact there are many reasons for you to stop and praise God and were going to look a few right now.
If you are a Believer, you should automatically be a person of praise.
Psalm 33:1 (GW) says,
1 Joyfully sing to the Lord, you righteous people.
Praising the Lord is proper for decent people.
I'm sure you're a decent person so it's proper for you to praise the Lord.
Psalm 30:4 (GW) says,
4 Make music to praise the Lord, you faithful people who belong to him.
Remember his holiness by giving thanks.
Our Lord is Holy and we are His people and we are to praise and give thank Him.
The Lord hears and answers our prayers so we should praise Him.
Psalm 28:6 (NLT) says,
6 Praise the Lord!
For he has heard my cry for mercy.
Psalm 18:3 says (GW) says,
3 The Lord should be praised.
I called on him, and I was saved from my enemies.
What has the Lord delivered you from? Who has the Lord protected you from? Think about those things and give Him praise.
The Lord keeps His people safe.
46 You are the living Lord!
I will praise you.
You are a mighty rock.[a]
I will honor you
for keeping me safe.
The Lord provides for His people. This is another reason to give Him praise.
Psalm 22:26 (NLT) says,
26 The poor will eat and be satisfied.
All who seek the Lord will praise him.
Their hearts will rejoice with everlasting joy!
I encourage you to take a few minutes each to to praise God. Praise and thanksgiving really go hand in hand. When we praise God for who He is and what He has done our spirits are lifted and our faith is reinforced. We know that God loves us and is always there for us.
Well until next time my friends.
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